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putin and ww3

Putin And Ww3 - MOSCOW - Vladimir Putin warned in his annual televised address on Thursday that global conflict would lead to "the end of civilization".

During the marathon that lasted for 4 hours and 26 minutes, the President of the Russian Federation Answered people's questions.

Putin And Ww3

Putin And Ww3

After being asked whether "unsustainable sanctions" could lead to World War III, Putin quoted Albert Einstein: "I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

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Putin added that those who wanted to punish Russia did so because they considered the country to be an enemy.

Putin said, "The West is a threat to Russia because of its success in economic development. and foreign policy.

"Many prominent German publishers have written that President [Donald] Trump is forcing Europe into Putin's hands," he said.

"If you combine this with the joke that Russia influenced the US election, it all looks like a joke: we were accused of interfering in the US presidential election, and Trump gave us Europe as a thank you. This is complete nonsense. It cannot be called. anything but a joke.."

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Other topics covered during this year's live chat with Vladimir Putin include recent government reshuffles, rising taxes and gas prices, and infrastructure for the FIFA World Cup in Russia this summer.

He also mentioned the recent poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, England. Britain blamed Russia for the attack, believing it to be linked to the Novichok nerve agent.

Mr. V. Putin once again denied that Moscow had any involvement in this incident, saying: "If military officers were used against these people, these people would have died on the spot in a few seconds, a few minutes. Fortunately, this did not happen." This means we are dealing with something else."

Putin And Ww3

Putin's other foreign policy concerns include the conflict in Syria. Putin said Russia had no plans to withdraw troops from Syria by December 2017, despite announcing that it had already begun withdrawing troops.

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He added, referring to Russia's military facilities in Syria, "They are temporary, but we will keep them there when necessary and when our economic interests require it."

He also claimed that Russia's presence in Syria allowed Moscow's military to test more advanced weapons. . "Syria helped us adapt to the battlefield," Putin said.

At least 2.5 million questions were submitted as the question-and-answer event entered its fourth hour, according to Kremlin-funded RT.

He also linked live video to the governor and government ministers, who he said should be at their desks at 5:00 a.m. for the program to begin.

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Some observers have criticized the annual meeting, but Moscow sees it as an opportunity to hear the concerns of ordinary Russians. Moscow, June 30 () - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia can sink British warships. Accused of trespassing into its territorial waters without starting World War III, Washington was accused of complicity in "incitement".

Tensions between Moscow and London escalated last week after the Russians objected to the HMS Defender's right to pass through its territorial waters near the Russian-held Crimea peninsula.

Putin's comments echoed Russia's earlier warning that Moscow would bomb British naval ships in the Black Sea if there were any further actions by the British navy near Crimea.

Putin And Ww3

Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, and the UK and most of the world recognized it. The Black Sea Peninsula is part of Ukraine, not Russia.

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Last week's incident, which London denied, said Russia had fired warning shots and dropped bombs in the path of a British warship traveling from Ukraine to Georgia.

Putin, speaking at his annual question-and-answer session with voters, expressed anger at what he called "justification" aimed at revealing how Russian forces in Crimea reacted to the attack.

When asked if the world was on the brink of World War III during the conflict, Putin replied, "Not sure."

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the annual TV show on June 30, 2021 in Moscow, Russia. Sputnik / Sergei Savostyanov / Pool pass

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"Even if we have sunk the ship, it is hard to imagine that the world will be on the brink of World War III, because those who did it (provocation) know that they cannot win such a war," he added. .

Putin accused the United States and Britain of planning the incident together, saying that a US spy plane had flown from Greece that morning to observe how Russia would respond to the British warship.

"It is clear that the Esming aircraft (in the waters off Crimea) is primarily for military purposes, and as a reconnaissance aircraft, we are trying to see how our forces can stop such movements, what is activated, where and how to operate. And where everything is."

Putin And Ww3

Mr. Putin said that Russia understood the purpose of the exercise and responded by giving Information to other parties that Google deems necessary.

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Putin said he saw political tension in the incident, which occurred shortly after the meeting. with the President of the United States Mr. Joe Biden in Geneva.

"The Geneva conference was held recently, why is such a stimulus needed, what is the purpose? To emphasize that those people (American and British) do not respect the choice of Crimeans to join Russia," he said.

The Russian leader has accused London and Washington of being unfriendly and said earlier this year that he had ordered Let the Russian troops withdraw from the area near the border of Ukraine, causing the West to panic.

"We did it," Putin said. "But instead of being positive about it and saying, 'OK, we got the response you're complaining about,' what do they do? They invade our borders." Comment / World Putin, Xi and the risk of World War 3. Both leaders have misinterpreted the situation, may raise expectations of disasters around the world.

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SAN FRANCISCO - Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24 marks the beginning of a third world war that could destroy our civilization.

The attack came before a lengthy meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in February 4th is the Chinese New Year and the Beijing Winter Olympics. At the end of the meeting, the two released a carefully crafted 5,000-word document announcing their partnership. Close cooperation between the two countries. The document is stronger than any contract and requires careful negotiation in advance.

Putin And Ww3

I am surprised that Mr. Xi Jinping allowed Putin to go to war with Ukraine. You must be sure that your confirmation as the leader of China's life at the end of this year will be Just a picture. With all the power concentrated in his hands, Mr. Xi Jinping carefully portrayed the He rose to the position of Mao Zedong and Teng Shan.

Turkey Downs A Russian Jet And Twitter Immediately Declares “world War

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With your current subscription plan, you can comment on stories. However, before you post your first comment, create a screen name in the Profile section of your user account page. Mr. Putin is trying to destroy the world order, a Russian veteran said in an interview. But even ordinary Americans have a way of fighting back.

For many, watching Russia's invasion of Ukraine felt like a "he can't do it" moment. Vladimir Putin of Russia has launched the largest land war in Europe since World War II. It is an empty heart.

That's why I reached out to Fiona Hill, America's sharpest Russian expert, who has studied Putin for decades, worked in Republican and Democratic administrations, and is known for telling the truth during impeachment hearings. For former US President Donald Trump.

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He wanted to know what he was thinking as he watched the video of Russian tanks moving across the international border, what he was thinking, what Putin was thinking, and what his motivations and goals were.

Hill has spent many years studying history, and in our conversations he often noted how long European history trends in Ukraine. Whether we fully realize it or not, he said, we are in the midst of a third world war.

"Unfortunately, we are following the old historical pattern

Putin And Ww3

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