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Putin Hail Mary - Moscow is implementing an "incoherent" plan to avoid the embarrassment of losing Russia. in the war.

After several weeks of difficulties on the battlefield in Ukraine, Moscow appears to have buckled under pressure and moved forward in a new phase in the war: an emergency "referendum" to seize the stolen land of Ukraine and harsh prison sentences for defiant soldiers.

Putin Hail Mary

Putin Hail Mary

The two clashes began with the announcement on Tuesday morning that the Russian State Duma passed a law introducing tougher punishments for soldiers who "voluntarily" surrendered The front line or refuse to follow orders.

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Those who surrender face up to 15 years in prison, while those who surrender must be sentenced to 10 years. Those who refused to obey the orders of their commanders faced three years.

The law, for the first time, added the idea of ​​"movement, criminal law and war" to the criminal law. of Russia, is widely seen as the first step to fully expand its activities.

After receiving unanimous approval from the State Duma, the law will be sent to the Federation Council on Wednesday. Today, the state media reported that. With the Federation Council also expected to be involved, the new prison sentences will take effect as soon as Putin signs the law - which could happen as soon as Wednesday.

Surprisingly, the legislation was already marked as approved at all stages in the government's doors as of Wednesday afternoon.

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While the move is widely seen as a way for the Kremlin to bolster its military, it is almost certainly being monitored. came by calling on the Russian army to stop the war now before it is too late.

"We call on the Russian soldiers in the military bases and the national unity fronts to refuse to participate in the Special action or surrender as soon as possible. This may be your last chance - and you should use it the next day, "Vesna anti-war movement wrote in an open letter. Dozens of other anti-war groups signed the petition.

As Russian social media channels exploded with alarmed messages about the prospect of the move, the leaders of Russia's representative in the occupied territories of Ukraine announced, almost simultaneously, that they would hold a "referendum" on joining Russia this week.

Putin Hail Mary

"We have set a path for reunification, back to Russia." And we will not turn away from it," Vladimir Saldo, Moscow's puppet leader in Kherson, announced in a video message.

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The referendum will be held in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions on September 23 to 27.

While the Kremlin has long feigned helplessness when it came to the "referendum" - claiming that they were initiated by the people living in those occupied territories - it did not take long for the news to leak about the Russians being forced to vote.

Prisoners in two penal colonies in Rostov were ordered to vote for the territory of Ukraine to be part of Russia, according to independent media Mozhem Obyasnit.

Two sources cited by the media said prison officials at one facility ordered all prisoners with Ukrainian passports to vote, while the entire prison population was ordered to do so at another.

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The frantic effort to rush through the referendum marked a complete 180 in Russia's plans recently. In the past week, the Kremlin has repeatedly postponed plans for a vote after failing to secure territory. was enough or received enough support. A source cited by Meduza at the time said that Vladimir Putin set his sights on November 4 after "tiring of waiting".

But by mid-September, even that date was no longer achievable after Ukrainian forces seized Take back the eastern region due to several surprise attacks that make the Russian army move face

"Now there is an idea to do everything quickly," a source close to the Russian presidential administration was quoted as saying by Medusa on Wednesday.

Putin Hail Mary

A news source quoted by the media said that Putin's sudden change of plan was the result of a political campaign. Pressure from senior Russian officials to increase military efforts against Ukraine went so far as to suggest movement. They are reportedly concerned that Ukraine could seize territory. which Russia will occupy soon.

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Their thinking, according to three sources cited by Meduza, is that the referendum will stop further opposition to Ukraine because, one of them, Ukraine "will not be at risk of attacking Russian territory."

If the offensive against Ukraine continues, they said, the Russian authorities plan to Use the law on actual jurisdiction and partial motion.

As the Institute for the Study of War pointed out on Tuesday, as Russia announced its latest news, the idea that That Russia could win the war by annexing parts of Ukraine is "inconsistent".

Such partial annexation "would put the Kremlin in the awkward position of asking Ukrainian forces to buy back "Russian" territory and the embarrassing position of not being able to enforce that demand," the Washington-based think tank wrote.

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Many of Putin's closest friends, however, appear to see the latest move as a major turning point, with Margarita Simonyan, RT's editor-in-chief, saying on Twitter: "Judging by what has happened and what will still happen, this Sunday is either the day of our inevitable victory or the day of nuclear war."

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